Certified Organic Cold Pressed Strawberry Seed Oil 100ml Biopurus
The oil is a rich source of vitamins A, B, C and E and mineral substances, especially boron, potassium, fluorine, phosphor, magnesium, cobalt, sulphur and calcium. The content of the C vitamin in strawberries is comparable to citrus fruits. Strawberries are one of the few fruits that contain ellagic acid and therefore work as an antioxidant. The effects are so strong that strawberries belong among the strongest food antioxidants. Beta-Carotene is yet another example of an antioxidant contained in strawberries. It protects our sight, gives healthy colour to our skin and stimulates mucosal regeneration. Manganese contained in strawberries is necessary for blood formation, healthy tissues, the nutrition of the brain and the nerves and the beauty and the health of our hair and skin. Potassium supports drainage of our body and works against excessive retaining of water in the body (swellings); it stimulates the detoxification of the body and affects blood pressure. When going through our body, the tannins contained in strawberries bond toxic substances, mainly toxic heavy metals, and drain them out of the body. Strawberries are rich in fibre and, in contrast, contain only little sugar and therefore may be recommended as a part of various diets. As for cosmetics, the oil is good at removing freckles. Strawberry mask – little by little, rub a mixture of strawberry oil and lemon juice into the skin; this mask purifies the skin, the freckles shade away and the overall condition of the skin is improved.