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Certified Organic Cold Pressed Celery Seed Oil 100ml Biopurus

Celery Seed Oil (Apium graveolens )

The oil is a great diuretic – it counteracts retaining water inside the body and effectively eliminates pathologic fluids. It drains redundant water out of the body but at the same time provides the body with important minerals. It is effective against obesity caused by kidney malfunction and water-retaining. It helps to drain uric acid out of the body and thus prevents it from settling in joints. It is thus a great remedy for gout and arthritis. It is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial remedy and is effective against the inflammation of the bladder and helps in the case of kidney disorders. It reduces the amount of microorganisms in the body and even destroys putrid bacteria. It has positive effects on blood pressure. It dilutes blood and counteracts blood clots. It also counteracts cholesterol and maintains arteries healthy. In addition, it has soothing effects on the nervous system (anxiety, nervousness, irritation). It is a very effective aphrodisiac and improves the potency and the fertility of men. It counteracts muscular cramps. In summer, it can be used as a natural repellent which is applied directly onto the skin

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